RV Satellite TV Antenna China Suppliers and Manufacturer
RV Satellite TV Antennas are designed for motorhomes, caravans and camping cars to receive satellite TV programs when parked. When not in use the antenna folds down, and when needed it will pop up and lock onto the correct Satellite. Suitable for all over the world
- Tri-axisMotorizationFullyAutomatedControlSystem, IncludeAutoSkewControl
- Built-inGPSEnablesFasterLockOntoSatellite WithinAFewSeconds
- AutoShutDownOnVehicleStartup
- One-button,Auto-PointingControllerAcquiresSatellite WWiitthhiinn22MMiinnuutteess
- TouchscreenIDU
- Bluetooth
- One-buttonChangeTargetSatellite
- SupportsManualControl
- Water-resistantFlatSurfacewithDrain,Sealed OnboardElectronics
- Built-inDVBSZHDSignalIdentification
- Built-inGlobalSatelliteLibrary
- Real-timeMonitor
- UpgradableFirmware
3 Years
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